Chickenhare (The original pitch)
My very first step into the world of comics. It didn’t go well. The feedback was that it looked great and was super cute, but it was too violent. Basically, the art would appeal to very young kids but the violence (not that bad really) was too mature for that age range. I learned SO much from so many wonderful, knowledgable people so even though I received rejections from every publisher I submitted it to, I felt like I was on the right track.
Chickenhare (2nd pitch)
Also, didn’t go well but did show some potential based on feedback from a few comics Editors.
Chickenhare: The House Of Klaus
He's a chicken! He's a hare! He's Chickenhare! And he's your new favorite comic-book character, whether you know it or not! Night is falling on the frozen landscape as Chickenhare and his turtle friend Abe find themselves on their way to be sold to Kaus - an insane taxidermist with a penchant for unique animals and enough emotional baggage to go on a very long vacation. With the help of two mysterious new companions, our fuzzy, feathered and amphibious heroes endeavor to escape their dire fate. But they soon discover that might not be so easy when they get caught up in an adventure that could bring Klaus's villiany to an end for good... or they all might die. Whatever happens, Chickenhare is sure to charm, scare and delight readers young and old alike!
Dark Horse Comics 2006 (out of print) 152 pages
Chickenhare: Fire in the Hole
Things are going from bad to worse for our feathered and furry friend Chickenhare and his partner in hijinx Abe! Their narrow escape from the evil Taxidermist Klaus is going to seem like a cakewalk compared to the dangers they'll face in the sequel to the Eisner nominated graphic novel, Chickenhare: The House of Klaus. Magic and mayhem are about to collide, along with some pointy pitchforks, a few unexpected relatives and more laughs than a barrel full of wet shromph as the Chickenhare and Abe learn the origins of their mysterious fellow escapees Meg and Banjo - and what this means to our friends is nothing but trouble!
Dark Horse Comics 2008 (out of print) 200 pages
Chickenhare (no subtitle but it’s The House of Klaus/This version is in color and has several new pages mixed in)
Chickenhare: half chicken, half rabbit, 100% hero!
What's a chickenhare? A cross between a chicken and a rabbit, of course. And that makes Chickenhare the rarest animal around! So when he and his turtle friend Abe are captured and sold to the evil taxidermist Klaus, they've got to find a way to escape before Klaus turns them into stuffed animals. With the help of two other strange creatures, Banjo and Meg, they might even get away. But with Klaus and his thugs hot on their trail, the adventure is only just beginning for this unlikely quartet of friends.
Scholastic: Graphix 2013 (out of print) 160 pages
Chickenhare Volume 1: The House Of Klaus (republished to celebrate the release of the Chickenhare movie!)
What's a chickenhare, you ask? A cross between a chicken and a rabbit, of course. When Chickenhare and his bearded turtle friend Abe find themselves captured and sold to the evil taxidermist Klaus, they have to find a way to escape before Klaus (Rhymes with house) turns them into stuffed animals. With the help of two other strange creatures, Banjo and Meg, they might stand a chance. But with Klaus and his band of henchmen hot on their trail, the adventure is only just beginning for this unlikely group of friends.
Third World Publishing 2022 160 pages
Chickenhare Volume 2: Fire in the Hole (republished to celebrate the release of the Chickenhare movie!)
Coming soon!
Third World Publishing (TBD)